Thursday, February 24, 2011


  I've only been involved with the Accretionary Wedge (  ) for a short while, but I have enjoyed it so much. I want it to succeed. I keep on musing on who will be the next host after I do  AW -32: the Carnival  theme Throw me your ‘favorite geologic picture mister.
   To help me pick a topic I complied this list of the previous Accretionary Wedges.  I thought I would share this with others to maybe inspire someone with a new topic.

A  list of Accretionary Wedge topics that have been used so far:
AW -1. Why I Study Geology;
        2.  How the Earth Could Kill You;
        3.  Between Rock and a Squishy Face, Geology & Life;
        4.  My Pet Rock;
        5.  Geology Misconceptions and Pie;
        6.  Geohmms;
        7.  Geology/ist in the Movies;
        8.  Earth Day the Geologist's Way;
        9.  Significant Geologic Events;
        10.  Geology in Art;
        11.  Field Geology;
        12.  Geology as a Connector Science;
        13.  Geology in Spaaace!;
        14.  Favorite Places for Field Work;
        15.  Pondering the Geological Future of Earth;
        16.  Is One Life Enough?;
        17.  Time Warp;
        18.  Inspiration;
        19.  Out-of-the-Box Teaching Ideas;
        20.  Why? or Unanswered Questions;
        21.  Earth Science Out Reach;
        22.   Flash Wedge - how fast can Accretionary Wedge be accreted?;
        23.  What We're Up To;
        24.  Geologic Heroes;
        25.  An Illustrated Glossary of Cool Geology Things;
        26.  The Role of the Geosphere;
        27.  Important Geological Experiences;
        28.  DeskCrops;
        29.  "What Geological features about the area you call 'home' do you love?
                and what do you not  like?"
        30.  Bake Sale
        31. What geological concept or idea did you hear about that you had no notion of
                before  (and likely surprised you in some way).
        32. The Carnival  theme Throw me your ‘favorite geologic picture’ mister.

Also I want to take this time to thank all of the previous hosts for doing such a wonderful job.

     Now to add to the list.
         33.  Feng Shui Geology
         34.  Weird Geology
         35.  Favorite Geologic Word
         36.  What do I regret the most not getting...
         37.  Sexy Geology
         38.  Back to school

Now this section is copied from the orginal web site

Who’s hosting the next Accretionary Wedge?

The Accretionary Wedge is a geoscience blog carnival hosted by a different blogger each month. This page will be updated as necessary.
month:            Host       –       Topic
#5 – Jan 08:      Green Gabbro –   geologic mythconceptions (and pie)
#6 – Feb 08:      Lab Lemming –   things that make you go ‘hmm’
#7 – Mar 08:      Tuff Cookiegeology/ists in the movies
#8 – Apr 08:      Andrew –   Earth Day
#9 – May 08:      Julian –   significant geological event
#10 – June 08:    John Van Hoesenaesthetic geology (art, poetry, literature, etc.)
#11 – July 08 :    Ron Schott –   field geology (never happened, but might in future!)
#12 – Aug 08:   Callan Bentleygeology as ‘connector science’
#13 – Sept 08:   Chris (goodSchist)Geology in spaaaace!
#14 – Nov 08:   Geology NewsFavorite places to do field work
#15 – Jan 09:    Clastic DetritusPondering the geological future of the Earth
#16 – Feb 09:   GeotripperIs One Life Enough? (geologist’s lists of places to see)
#17- Jun 09:    Outside the InterzoneLet’s Do a Time Warp!
#18- Jul 09: Volcanista- Inspiration.
#19-Aug 09: Jim Lehane- Out of the box or “unusual” geological teaching tools, methods, or ideas. (Deadline August 21)
#20- Sept 09: Dave Bressan- What remains to be discovered and understood in the geological sciences? See full announcement here; deadline September 20.
#21-Oct 09: Tuff Cookie- Geologic Outreach; taking geology to students and non-geologists. (Dates and details of topic TBA, and subject to further elaboration by Jess.)
#32- March 11: Ann’s Musings- Parade of Geological Images
#33- April 11: Callan- Incorporating geology into the built environment.
#34- May 11: Dana Hunter- Weird Geology
#35-June 11: GeoEvelyn- Etymological Geology: favorite geological words. Deadline for posts moved up to Wed. 6/29.
#36- July 11: Geosciblog-science- What past mineral/fossil locality have you regretted not collecting more specimens from?
#37- August 11: Outside the Interzone- Sexy Geology- Here’s an older example, and here’s a more recent one.
#38- Sept. 11: Anne at Highly Allochthonous-  Back to School
#39 – October 2011: Evelyn at GeorneysDress Barbie like a Geologist for Halloween
#40 – November 2011: Michael at Uncovered EarthGeo-Lanterns
#41 – December 2011: Ron at Ron Schott’s Geology Home Companion BlogMost Memorable/Significant Geologic Event That You’ve Directly Experienced
#42 – January 2012: Ian at VolcanoclastCountertop Geology
#43 – February 2012: Hollis at In the Company of Plants and RocksMy Favorite Geological Illustration
#44 – March 2012: Simon at MetageologistMost important teacher
#45 – April 2012: Denise at life as a geologistGeological Pilgrimage
#46 – May 2012: Cat at Knowledge FlocsGeology, Life, and Civilization
#47 – June 2012: Jennifer at Fuzzy ScienceField Notes
#48 – July 2012: Charles at Earth-like PlanetGeoscience & Technology
#49 – August 2012: Dana at En Tequila Es VerdadOut of this World
#50 – September 2012: Evelyn at GeorneysField Camp/Trip Moments
#51 – October 2012: Matt at GeoSphereGeo Poetry
#52 – November 2012: Shawn at Vi-Carius – Dream Geology Courses
#53- December 2012: Lockwood at Outside the Interzone- The End of the World as We (Don’t) Know It.
#54 – January 2013: @glacial_till, @seismogenic and @UncoveredEarth at Geoblog to be Named Later – On the Rocks: Geo-Brews & Geo-Cocktails
#55 – February 2013: Maitri at Maitri’s VatulBlogGeo-Injuries
March 2013 – No Accretionary Wedge
#56 – April 2013: Andrew Alden at About: Geology – Geo Photography
May 2013 – No Accretionary Wedge
#57 – June 2013: Evelyn at Georneys“Seeing Geology Everywhere”
#58 – July 2013 – Evelyn at GeorneysGeoSigns!
#59 – August 2013: Mika at GeoMikaGeologic Field Guide Recommendations
#60 – September 2013: Matt at GeoSphere – Momentous Discoveries in Geology Throughout History
#61 – October 2013: Mika McKinnon at GeoMikaWhat do you do?
#62 – November 2013: Martin Bently (tentatively) at “being the collected thoughts of our hero” – Geollowe’en
#63 – December 2013: Hollis, at In the Company of Plants & Rocks, on Plants and Rocks, or Rocks and Plants.
#64 – January 2014: Geoblogger to be named, at Blog to be named, on topic to be chosen.

It seems to be updated on a regular bases but is not complete.

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