Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Call to post for Accretionary Wedge #32

(This was originally at "Ann's  Musings on Geology and other things" but that blog no longer exists and because of that I'm putting it here.)

It’s Carnival time or Mardi Gras time in Louisiana . This year the season is long – going from Jan 6 (Twelfth night) to March 8 (Fat Tuesday – day before Ash Wednesday). Since the Accretionary Wedge is suppose to be a carnival of blogs I think it is only fitting the wedge should have a parade of the blogs. I’m willing to be the captain of this parade.

The theme will be “Throw me your ‘favorite geologic picture’ mister” Lets have the floats (submissions) ready on March 4th so it can roll on March 8. Carnival time is all about having a good time and having some fun so lets get some colorful, fun pictures submitted. Laissez les bons temp rouler!! (Let the good times roll!)

 Please leave your posts in the comment section or email me at amowillis@yahoo.com.

Accretionary Wedge #31 - Call for Posts
So I was having a conversation with a fellow grad student who came into my office asking if I had ever heard of an euchario..something, eudiachario..something. I said I wasn't sure, I would need the real name. Then someone n the office chimed in with Ediacharian? She said yea, and everyone else is like "Oh, yea, we know that." And that leads me in to this month's Accretionary Wedge Topic:

What geological concept or idea did you hear about that you had no notion of before (and likely surprised you in some way).

I have a few ideas for my own topic, but I would be interested in what people have to say about this. Some things we think are obvious and just know about other people have never heard of.

The deadline for this is February 18th. Please post all your submissions in the comments section.
Located here  @ Jim Lehane's The Geology P.A.G.E!

I also want to thank Callan for having a wonderful Bake Sale at accretionary-wedge-30-the-bake-sale. Most things looked so good, I wished I could have been there in person to taste some of these treats.  It's a good thing I'm trying to control my weight and carbohydrate intake so reading about them was treat enough for me.

This post seems to be my most popular post because of that I'm creating the link to  AW-32 favorite geologic picture so you can see the pictures that were submitted.

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