Monday, October 28, 2013

Accretionary Wedge #62- Geolloween

I like to participate in the Accretionary Wedge and when I went to check on this month call to post I realized that Novembers was out too.

The call for November Accretionary Wedge is here @ Martin B:

Call for posts – Accretionary Wedge, Geollowe’en Edition

In the absence of anyone more suitable, I am going to be hosting the November Accretionary Wedge. It being November’s, it will be Hallowe’en themed, or much more appropriately, Geollowe’en (which works pretty well with my accent at least). So, keep an eye out for the geological pumpkins, rock candy (that is a thing, right?) and trick and treating trilobites in order to share them here.This call for posts is a bit early, in order to allow people to keep an eye out in a few weeks. Deadline to be around 14 November-ish?I am not really sure that I will have much to post myself, since South Africa does not do the whole Hallowe’en thing in any sort of seriousness, let alone Geollowe’en, but I look forward to what other people have spotted.
Comments are open on this post.

I have three pumpkins that I'd like to submit.
The first one when you look at it from one angle it looks like an ordinary pumpkin

 But when you look at it from a different angle you can see that its a conjoined twin.
It reminded me of twinning in some feldspar crystals.

After I took the photo's I realized I would be remiss not to have a scale on it so you can get a sense of how big they were.
Next one is:
It reminded me of pillow lava. 
 Again I forgot to use the scale and this didn't quite turen out how I wanted it to and you can barely see the scale but it is there.
 The last one I wanted to use is this one. 
 No scale but the brick are 8x4 inches long.

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