Thursday, July 18, 2013

Accretionary Wedge #58 - favorite Geo Sign

Evelyn over at Georneys has put out a call ( accretionary-wedge-58-signs/  ) for our favorite geo sign.

Years and years ago my mom went to St Moritz Switzerland and she said it was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen in her life.  I've always wanted to go there after hearing her talk about it but never dreamed I would.  Well that dream finally came through and I got to take a cable car up one of the mountains (I think it is Piz Vadret- or it may have been Muragl since we were at the Muottas Muragl restaurant)  and the Swiss were so nice as to have signs showing what you were looking at.  I just wish I could have studied them longer and remember what I saw.   I tried taking a picture of it but it wouldn't fit on one shot - it too three and I have limited abilities with the computer and don't know how to splice them together so I have included all 3. It is indeed one of the prettiest places I have ever seen.

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