Thursday, January 31, 2013

Accretionary Wedge #54 - Geo Brews and Geo cocktails

Its the end of the month and I haven't done the Accretionary Wedge for the the month of January.  Ryan over at Glacial Till is the host (Accretionary Wedge #54- On The Rocks: Geo-brews and Geo-cocktails .  I know he wants people to be creative but right now I'm not up to being that way and from the looks of things I missed the deadline.  But I do like doing the AW so here's mine anyway

 I'm not much of a drinker.  When I do drink its usually wine or beer.  Being a geologist I naturally gravitated towards beer when I was in college.  To me there was nothing better after a day out in the field than to come back to an ice cold brew.

    One of the reason's I didn't drink much was because I was so broke all the time.  I simply couldn't afford to go out and spend a lot of money on drinks.  One of the cheaper beers I discovered was Rolling Rock and that quickly become one of my favorites.  At the time it was being produced in Western Pennsylvania ( here's what Wikipedia has to say about Rolling_Rock ).  Living in Southeast Ohio it didn't have to be shipped far and I think that kept the costs down for it.   It also said it was made from natural springs which reminded me of some of the natural springs we had were I was growing up.  I also liked that it was a lighter tasting beer. 

Now it is still made from natural springs in Missouri.  The funny thing was when I first moved to Louisiana I couldn't get it here.  But when they started to make it in Missouri about 2006 I could finally start getting it again, yet when I looked for it in NE Ohio recently I couldn't find it.  I must admit I didn't look very hard since there were so many other choices around and I don't drink more than one or two at a time.

So here's my favorite geologic drink.

Now I don't drink much due to health reasons.  But with it being Mardi Gras season its nice to have some brew in the house.

I muse:  Is it time to go and pop the top? 

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