Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm not a poet - No Accretionary Wedge #51 Geo Poetry

I just realized, I missed the Accretionary Wedge 51 (    for the month of October over at  Matt Herod @ Geosphere.  I guess the reason I missed it is two fold.

First off I'm not a poet, and have a hard enough time trying to compose lame limericks.
to prove it here's my feeble attempt:

My unPoem:

I'm so not a poet
and I truly know it.
I'm completely fine
instead of wasting my time
writing poems about rocks
to be knitting socks.
So a poem wont' happen
Now I'm putting down my pen.

The other reason is my main computer has been down, and I just have the iPad to work with. It's great for keeping up with email and such but lousy for writing long things on it.

I muse: you can't do them all.

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