Friday, January 27, 2012

Accretionary Wedge #42

Volcanoclast has put out the call for Accretionary Wedge 42 here .

   Normally I am the type of person that can make up her mind when it comes to decorating without any problems.  I've remodeled homes and such before and have had no problem with the choices I've made as far as color schemes and furniture, etc it all seems to come together.  Most contractors like me because I know what I want before I ever start and have everything picked out and all they have to do is just do the job.
  Our kitchen was built  back in the late sixties and looks it.  Through the years I've had to replace most of the appliances in it due to them deteriorating so bad.  Now I need a new stove and oven.  My spouse is to the point of lets just go ahead and remodel the whole thing while we are at it because the counter top is an old Formica one that has not aged well.
  At first I was all excited about that, until it came time to try to decide what counter top to use.  We both agreed we wanted granite, but which one to use?  I wanted them ALL.  I couldn't decide on which one to go with they were all so interesting.   We left the place with the idea we would think upon it and that's what we did.  I thought about it and thought about it and never could make up my mind.
    At one point I jokingly said, 'I wish I could have a sample of all of them and then make that into the counter top.'   My husband was dead set against that idea because he had grown up in a home that had had tile for the counter top and it seemed he spent his whole life cleaning the grout in that kitchen. He wanted a smooth top with as few seams as possible to clean.   Another idea that came to mind was to go with concrete and then add in rock samples that I have collected over the years.  That idea got nixed due to the fact that if I ever moved I wouldn't be able to take the counter with me.  Also it would probably be a nightmare to keep clean too.  So now I'm back to the problem of  which one to go with.
   I decide to go in reverse order.  Which one would I would not go with, but even that I had problems with them.  All I know is that there is one I would definitely not use and that is the type that they call 'Black Granite' or I should say ' Gabbro'.  Since my feelings about that one is so strong I'm going to write a little about why I won't use 'black Granite'. 
    The reason is my brother and his wife chose 'black granite'  for their counter top.  From the very moment I saw that one I fell in love with it and was very envious of it.  At one point we had decided if we ever remodel our kitchen we would use that also.
   Then in 2009 my brother died, suddenly.  My sister-in-law asked me to be with her when she made plans for the funeral and the burial spot.  They had all these wonderful monument samples to choose from again.  She was having problems choosing again until she saw the 'black granite' which just looked just like counter top in their kitchen.  Instantly we both knew that was the one my brother would have chosen.  She almost didn't get it because it was one of the more expensive ones there.  I told her to go for it and not worry about it since whats a couple of hundred dollars in the long scheme of things.  If that's what makes her happy then that's what she should go with.  I was glad she decided to do that and it did turn out wonderful.

Now whenever I see 'black granite' I think of him.  It brings too much heart ache to me. I could never use it as a counter top.
I also muse upon the fact that I would like to have 'black granite' as my tombstone too, because I'll be under it and not having to worry about looking at it.

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