Sunday, November 7, 2010

Call to Post - Accretionary Wedge #29

This was orginaly at 'Ann's Musings on Geology and other things'.  That blog no longer exists so it was moved here. 

Call For Post - Accretionary Wedge # 29
The topic is: "What Geological features about the area you call 'home' do you love? and what do you not like?"

There is no one ideal place to live and study all the earth processes that fascinates me; I have had to pick one place - settle there and call it 'home'.  Every place that I have ever lived and called 'home' for awhile has always had very interesting geologic features to it that makes it unique.  In Northeast Ohio it was the effects of glaciation, in Southeastern Ohio it was the Paleozoic Cyclothems exposed in the Appalachian Plateau, and currently I live on a bayou in Louisiana.  What is it about the area you that you now call 'home'  that is so fascinating to you. What do you not like?  Did you choose to live where you are because you love the geology of the region and just wanted to live the in the area or was there another reason that brought you there?

Submit posts by November 30.  
 My email address is

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